Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments
Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, and our series on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments, here is a page listing the Freemasons we know to be buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
[Note: Please consider this page to be Under Construction as we convert our website to the new format. For more information, our old page on Ross Bay Cemetery has more links to individual names and is still online here. We will gradually replace the pages on our old page with new pages linked to this page.]
Ross Bay Cemetery was laid out and landscaped in 1872 for the City of Victoria by local architect and landscaper, Edward Mallandaine, Jr. It was opened for interments in 1873.
Ross Bay Cemetery is still owned and operated by the City of Victoria. Unlike most local private cemeteries, which require tombstones to be flat to the ground for ease of maintenance, Ross Bay Cemetery allows larger funerary monuments and statuary, which we think gives Ross Bay a distinctive character lacking in most local private cemeteries.

Many of Victoria’s pioneer citizens are buried in Ross Bay Cemetery. So are over 170 Freemasons, including a number of well known names in B.C. and Victoria history. Here is a list of the Freemasons we know to be interred in Ross Bay Cemetery. This list is probably not complete and more names will undoubtedly be added as the Vancouver Island Masonic History Project does additional research. To search the Ross Bay Cemetery Burial Records, use this City of Victoria Archives page. If you come across a deceased Freemason interred in Ross Bay Cemetery whose name does not appear on the list below, please let us know using the Comment form at the bottom of this page.

Here is a list of the deceased Freemasons we know to be interred in Ross Bay Cemetery. We will undoubtedly discover more names with additional research. We will add links to the following names as time permits.
- AIKMAN, Hugh Bowlsby William – died 1904. Lawyer. Plot # C 26 E 27
- ALLATT, Thomas Smith – died 1880. Builder and contractor. Plot # G 65 E 16
- Anderson, William A. – died 1911. Plot # P 122 E S
- ANDREWS, Archibald McLagan – died 1920. Plot # S 6 W 44
- ANSCOMB, Herbert – died 1972. St. Andrews Lodge, No. 49 . Accountant. Mayor of Victoria and Reeve of Oak Bay, Plot # P 124 E F
- ASTRICO, Andrea (Andrew) – died 1879. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2. Plot # A 61 W 30
- BAKER, Edgar Crow, (P.G.M. ) – died 1920. Financier. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # B 98b99 E 30
- Banks, John C.- died 1920.Plot # T 79 E 41
- BARNARD, Francis Jones – died 1889. Plot # H 69 W 28
- BARNARD, Sir Frank Stillman – died 1936. Businessman, Former Lt. Governor of B.C. Plot # H 69 W 28
- BEAVEN, Robert – died 1921. Former Premier of B.C. , Mayor of Victoria Plot #
- BECKER, John Frederick – died 1893. Plot # H 96/97 E 25
- Bloomquist, Captain Charles – died 1918. Plot # T 086 W 41
- BOSSI, Giacomo – died 1893. Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2. Plot # H 93 W 26,
- BOYD, John – died 1890. Plot # H 082 W 11
- BRETT, Robert Emmett -died 1930. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 . Plot # T 69b70 W 40
- BREWSTER, Harlan Carey – died 1918. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2. Former Premier of B.C. Plot # R 100b101 W P
- BRODERICK, Richard – died 1896. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Businessman. Plot # H 94 E 21A
- BROWN, Captain Harry Frederick – died 1910. Plot # R 078 E S
- BROWN, Henry (P.G.M.) – died 1891. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # A 33 E 28
- Brown, Henry Letson – died 1892. Died of smallpox during outbreak of 1892. Plot # F 4 E 14
- Brown, William Robie – died 1892. Died of smallpox during outbreak of 1892. Plot # F 8 W 15
- CATTERALL, Thomas – died 1919. Builder and contractor. Plot # B 21 W 38
- CHAMBERS, Coote Mulloy (P.G.M.) – died 1888. Past Grand Master. Plot # G 27 E 10
- Clarke, Graham James – died 1884. Plot # H 78 W 18
- Clemence, Samuel George – died 1958. Plot # P 128 W K
- Cole, George – died 1879. Plot # G 63 W 15
- Couves, A.C – died 1888. Victoria-Columbia, No.1
- COX, Captain Clarence Nelson – died 1901. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # A 63 W 33
- CROFT, Henry – died 1917. Mining engineer. The town of Crofton is named for him. Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1
- CROW BAKER, Edgar (P.G.M. ) – died 1920. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # B 98b99 E 30
- CUNIFF, Thomas – died 1903. Plot # B 72 W 37
- DALBY, William (P.G.M.) – died 1916. Past Grand Master. Mayor of Victoria. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2. Plot # G 75 E 11
- DAVIE, Alexander Edmund Batson – died 1889. Premier of B.C. Plot # C 5 W 29
- Day, John Edward – died 1944. United Service, No. 24 Plot # H 69/70 E 21
- De COSMOS, Amor – died 1897. Founder of Colonist newspaper. Member of B.C. Legislature and federal Parliament. Plot #A 68 E 32
- De Veulle, Frederick Eugene – died 1891. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # A 38 W 27
- DOANE, Lawrence Leander – died 1889. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # B 79 W 34
- DRUMMOND, James Smith – died 1884. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Mayor of Victoria. Plot # H 81 E 16
- DUCK, Simeon (P.G.M.) – died 1905. Past Grand Master. Plot # P 114 E K
- Earle, Thomas – died 1911. Businessman. Member of Parliament. Plot # G 68 E 15
- Eastick, Joseph Thomas – died 1954. United Service, No. 24 Plot # B 33 W36
- Edwards, Henry Carlyon – died 1934. Plot # K 6b7 E B
- EDWARDS, John Henry – died 1891. Jeweller. Lodge of Sincerity, No. 428, Northwich, Cheshire, England. Plot # H 65 W 21. This is a very tragic story. Click the John Henry EDWARDS page for details.
- ELFORD, John Pitcairn – died 1917. Architect and builder. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # G 38 W 17
- English, Captain William – died 1916. Plot # N 53 E F
- Esnouf, Richard Benjamin – died 1918. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # B 88 E 34
- Evans, Albert E. – died 1976. United Service, No. 24 Plot # U 81 W 51
- FIELD, Octavius – died 1907. Moose Jaw Lodge, No. 26. G.L. of Saskatchewan. Plot # R 79 E N
- Finlayson, John – died 1895. Plot # H 064 E 22
- Flint, Arthur St. George – died 1918. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # W 007 W 42
- FOX, Henry George – died 1890. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 037 W 12
- GALBRAITH, John Thompson – died 1887. Plot # A 63 W 33
- Gardner, W. E. – died 1894. Plot # G 24 W 11
- Gass, Charles A. – died 1910. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # R 89 W P
- Geake, Harry James – died 1946. United Service, No. 24 Plot # W 6 E42
- GIDLEY, William – died 1915. Charter member of Temple Lodge, No.33 Plot # P 102 W U
- Gill, Alfred – died 1889. Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 Plot # G 22 W 9
- GILMORE, Alexander – died 1910. Plot # R 097 W M
- Glover, George – died 1928. Plot # Q 61 W U
- Goodacre, John – died 1917. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 61b62 E 17
- GOODACRE, Lawrence – died 1925. Goodacre Lake in Beacon Hill Park named for him. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 62b63 E 17
- GORDON, William – died 1924. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # T 58 W 46
- GRAHAME, James Allen – died 1905. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2, Multnomah Lodge, No.1 (Oregon) Plot # G 18 W 8
- Grancini, Ermenegildo Pietro – died 1879. Plot # A 68 E 29
- GRANT, Donald – died 1915. Plot # R 76b77 E N
- GREEN, Alfred Alexander – died 1891. Banker. His house (built by contractor George Mesher) is now the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Plot # G 040 E 17
- Haddow, Robert – died 1916. Plot # Q 020 E
- Hall, Philip J. – died 1883. Plot # A 48/49 E 29
- HALL, Richard – died 1918. Businessman. Member of Victoria City Council and B.C. Legislature. Plot # H 083 E 11
- Hankin, Thomas – died 1885. Plot # A 050 E 27
- Hanna, William James – died Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot #
- HARDING, Thomas (1824-1898)
- Hare, Oliver – died 1876 Plot # B 92 E 31
- Harris, Dennis R. – died 1932. Plot # R 84b85 W L
- HARRIS, Thomas – died 1884. 1st Mayor of Victoria. Charter Member of Victoria Lodge, No. 1085. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # F 28 W 16
- HARRISON, Eli Sr. (P.G.M.) – died 1907. Past Grand Master. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # T 22 W 46
- HARRISON, Eli Jr.– died 1930. Lawyer and Judge. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # T 23 W 46
- HARRISON, Herbert Abraham – died 1888. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # A 38 W 32
- Hartnell, Henry J. – died 1889. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # U 83b84 E 46
- HAYNES, George Washington – died 1897. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 57 W 79
- Haynes, William – died 1920. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 68 W 14
- HAYWARD, Charles – died 1919. Mayor of Victoria. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 61 W 9
- Hayward Jr., Charles – died 1895. Plot # M 61 E 8
- HEISTERMAN, Henry Frederick – died 1896. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # H 60 E 19
- Henderson, William (P.G.M.) – died 1931. Past Grand Master. Plot # Q 80 W U
- HIGGINS, David William – died 1917. Author, owner and publisher of Daily Colonist. Plot # G 043b044 W 20
- Higgins, William Ralph – died 1896 Plot #
- HOUSTON, William Kyle (P.G.M.) – died 1916. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # T 42 E 44
- Hudson, George Robert – died 1874. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # A 49 E 25
- Johnson, Christian George – died 1873. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # F 36 E 20
- Jones, Hugh Lloyd – died 1885. Plot # A 55 E 32
- JONES, Stephen (P.G.M.) – died 1933. Hotelier. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # B 36 E 33
- KENT, Herbert – died 1958. Plot # B 62 E 35
- KER, David Russell – died 1923. Businessman. Plot # A 61b62 W 30
- KERR, Dr. Donald Edward (P.G.M.) – died 19 . Dentist. Past Grand Master. Temple Lodge, No.33. Plot # P 125 E T
- Kurtz, John – died 1891. Plot # B 048 W 35
- Laing, Robert – died 1882. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # H 73 E 21A
- LEITCH, George Thomson – died 1905
- LEWIS, Richard – died 1875. Architect and builder. Mayor of Victoria. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # H 64 W 19
- Lloyd, Capt. Hugh S. – died 1913. Plot # T 020 W 45
- MABLE, William James – died 1938. Victoria-Columbia No.1. Plot # P 117 W K
- MANUEL, Stuart Menelaws – died 1943. United Service, No. 24 Plot # H 66 W 26
- Marshall, William – died 1889. Plot # G 45 E 14
- Martin, Thomas – died 1891. Plot # B 071 E 35
- McARTHUR, James – died 1897. Ship’s Engineer. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # H 66 E 26
- McBRIDE, Sir Richard – died 1917. Premier of B.C. . Union Lodge, No.9 Plot #
- McCahill, Captain Michael – died 1918. Plot # H 064 E 26
- McConnan, Thomas – died 1892. Plot # H 090 E 25
- McDonell, Major Ranald J.- died 1887. Plot # G 33 E 14
- McKEOWN, Angus (P.G.M.) – died 1935. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # R 85 W M
- McMICKING, Robert Burns (P.G.M.) – died 1915. Past Grand Master. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # R 84b85 W I
- McNeill, Alexander James – died 1914. Plot # 1914.
- McNeill, William – died 1889. Plot # B 89 W 33
- MESHER, George – died 1912. Builder and contractor. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # T 60 W 46
- Meyer, Captain William – died 1915. Mariner. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # B 050 W 3
- Michell, Ernest Sydney – died 1956. United Service, No. 24 Plot # T 48 E 40
- MILNE, Alexander Roland (P.G.M) – died 1904. Past Grand Master. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # P 125 W M
- MILNE, Dr. George Lawson – died 1933. Physician. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # H 81 W 12
- MONTOBIO, George B. – died 1889. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # D 9 E 28
- Muir, Alexander – died 1919. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 034 E 02
- NEUFELDER, Felix – died 1879. Merchant. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # A 63 E 30
- NEWMAN, Dr. John Errol – died 1916. Dentist. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # A 46 E 32
- Nicholson, Herbert – died 1897. Plot # G 44 E 11
- NORTHCOTT, William Walter – died 1923. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # R 85 E M
- NUTTALL, Thomas Chancey – died 1906 Plot # B 40 W 36
- O’NEILL, Charles William – died 1963. Accountant. Temple Lodge, No.33. Plot # Q 75/76 W X
- OCKENDEN, Nelson Francis – died 1919. United Service, No. 24 Plot # T 51 E 43
- OUSTERHOUT, Peter – died 1883. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot #
- PAUL, Edward Burness (P.G.M.) – died 1937. Teacher, Principal, School Superintendent. Past Grand Master. Plot # P 119 W M
- PHILLIPS, Joseph Eva – (died 1908). Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
- Phillips, William T. – died 1937. United Service, No. 24 Plot # 3 94 E 43
- Phypers, Thomas George – died 1876. Plot # G 61 E 17
- PORTER. Robert John – died 1922. Mayor of Victoria 1918-1921. Victoria-Columbia, No.1
- POWELL, Charles Sydney – died 1895. Plot # G 31 E 7
- POWELL, Dr. Israel Wood (P.G.M.) – died 1915. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # T 47 W 46
- Price, William H. – died 1925. Plot # T 77 E 43
- PRIOR, Hon. Edward Gawlor – died 1921. Premier of B.C. Plot # B 24 E 32
- Proctor, Thomas Gregg – died 1913. Plot # T 075 W 40
- RAGAZZONI, Innocent – died 1880. Plot # G 71 E 13
- RAMSAY, John – died 5 July 1887. Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2, Plot # G 32 W 14
- RITHET, Robert Paterson – died 1919. Businessman. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # R 90 W L
- ROBERTSON, Alexander Rocke – died 1881. Lawyer and Judge. Mayor of Victoria. Plot # A 75 E 32
- Robertson, Dr. Herman Melchior- died 1953. Plot # A 75 W 33
- Robinson, Victor Ernest – died 1884. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 45 E 9
- ROLLER, Karl Louis.A. – died 1890. Plot # A 35 E 27
- ROSS, Dixi Harrison – died 1899. Grocer. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 73 W E
- Ross, Harrie Gerald – died 1943. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 73 W E
- Russell, George Samuel – died 1936. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # A 52 E 27b52 W 28
- Schmith, George – died 1913. Plot #
- Sheppard, Henry William – died 1912. Plot # H 067 E 25
- SHOTBOLT, Thomas – died 1922. Pharmacist. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # M 76 W 9
- Sinclair, Temple F. – died 1918. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # H 085 W 22
- Slater, William – died 1884. Plot # A 49 W 28
- SMITH, Rev. Robert Hall – died 1883. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 49 W 13
- SPRATT, Joseph – died 1888. Industrialist. Plot # A 72 W 29
- SPROAT, Gilbert Hector Shaw – died 1906. Marine Engineer
- STALLARD, Charles E. – died 1900. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 89 W I
- TEAGUE, John – died 1902. Architect. Mayor of Victoria. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # H 77 W 20
- TERRY, Wallace Samuel Utley (P.G.M.) – died 1932. Pharmacist. Past Grand Master. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # M 31b32 E 5
- THAIN, James Nealton – died 1881. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # A 71 E 31
- THOMPSON, Joshua Spencer M.P. – died 1880. Member of Parliament. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2, Cariboo Lodge No. 4. Plot # G 66 W 14
- THOMSON, George – died 1894. Plot # B 57 E 34
- Tolmie, Andrew – died 1912. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # H 87 W 21A
- TOMLIN, Edwin (1884-1944) President of B.C. Cement Company
- TONERI, Peter Edward– died 1921. Victoria-Columbia, No.1
- TROUNCE, Thomas (P.G.M.) – died 1900. Architect and builder. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # G 35b36 W 16
- VIGOR, Edward Samuel – died 1886. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # B 80 W 32
- Vinter, Captain James Gordon – died 1879, Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # A 64 E 30
- Vowell, Arthur Wesley – died 1918. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # T 056 E 45
- WAITT, Marshall Wilder – died 1892. Died of smallpox during 1892 outbreak. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # F 10 W 15
- Walkem, Hon. George Anthony – died 1908. Premier of B.C. Plot # A 73b74 E 32
- WEILER, John – died 1899. Businessman. Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # M 73 W G
- WILLIAMS, Frederick – died 1899. Past Grand Master. Victoria-Columbia, No.1
- Williscroft, Walter Archer – died 1917. Plot # B 059 E 36
- Wilson, Alexander – died 1921 Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot # 1 90 E 14
- Wilson, Alexander, Jr. – died Victoria-Columbia, No.1 Plot #
- WILSON, Biggerstaff – died 1925. Businessman. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # B 20 E 37
- Wilson, James Alexander – died 1926. St. Andrews, No. 49 Plot # 1 91 E 24
- Wraight, William – died 1878. Builder and contractor. Vancouver & Quadra, No.2 Plot # G 47 E 13

Here are some links to more information on Ross Bay Cemetery:
- City of Victoria
- Old Cemeteries Society
- Old Cemeteries Society (note: PDF)
- Victoria Heritage Foundation

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