Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, with its sections on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on Octavius Field (1853-1907), who is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
We do not know a lot about Octavius Field. His gravestone in Ross Bay Cemetery says he was born at Greenwich, England on 7 August 1853 and died at Victoria, B.C. on 17 January 1907.
The local newspaper reports of his death say he was a member of Moose Jaw Lodge, No. 26, Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. The No.26 is an historical anomoly. The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan records currently show Moose Jaw Lodge, No.3 instituted in 1883. Moose Jaw Lodge No. 3 of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan was originally constituted in 1883 as Moose Jaw Lodge No.26 of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. It became Moose Jaw Lodge No. 3 under the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan when the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan was constituted in 1906, after Saskatchewan became a province of Canada in 1905.
We contacted the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan through the Grand Lodge of B.C. & Yukon and received the following information on Bro. Octavius Field:
- Initiated in Moose Jaw Lodge, No.3, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on 8 September 1891
- Passed to a Fellow Craft in Moose Jaw Lodge, No.3 on 15 December 1891
- Raised to a Master Mason in Moose Jaw Lodge, No.3 on 9 February 1892
- Occupation in 1891 listed as “Hotel Keeper”
Grand Lodge of B.C. & Yukon files do not contain any record of Bro. Field affiliating with a Masonic Lodge in British Columbia so it appears Octavius Field maintained his membership in Moose Jaw Lodge No. 3 until his death in 1907.
Here are the local newspaper reports of Octavius Field’s death in January 1907:
“FIELD – In this city, on the 17th instant, Octavius Field, a native of London, England, aged 57 years [note: this age is wrong. It should be 53].
The funeral will take place on Sunday, January 20th, at 2.30 p.m., from the parlors of the B.C. Funeral Furnishing Co., 52 Government street.
Friends will please accept this intimation.”
(Source: Victoria Daily Times, 18 January 1907, page 2)
“The death occurred to-day of Octavius Field of this city. The deceased was 57 years of age [note: this age is wrong. It should be 53] and a native of London, Eng. He was formerly a merchant of the Northwest Territories, but retired some time ago. Mr. Field was unmarried. He has relatives living in England. He was a prominent member of the Pacific Club and was also active in Masonic circles, being a Master Mason of Moose Jaw Lodge, No. 26, A.F.& A.M. [note: when Octavius Field became a Mason in 1891, he joined Moose Jaw Lodge No. 26 of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. At the time of Octavius Field’s death in 1907 this Lodge had become Moose Jaw Lodge No.3 of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan] The funeral will be held from the B.C. Funeral Furnishings Parlors on Sunday at 2.30 o’clock”
(Source: Victoria Daily Times, 18 January 1907, page 4)
Octavius Field is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

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