Historic Membership Lists of Vancouver Island Masonic Lodges
Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
Victoria, B.C.
1920 to 1929
Note: this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Regular Meetings were held on the third Wednesday of each month and on the Festival of St. John the Evangelist (27 December)
Muir, Douglas D. – Wor. Master; Hall, Philip J. – Senior Warden; Morris, Henry E. – Junior Warden; Deaville, Clarence B., (P.M.) – Treasurer; Fatt, Francis Frederick (P.M.) – Secretary; Beatty, James H. – Chaplain; Gower, Wm. J. – Senior Deacon; Clark, Earl W. – Junior Deacon; Johnson, H. Peter – Organist; Hughes, Philip H. – Inner Guard; Field, Harry G. – Steward; Martin, Vincent C. – Steward; Carr, George S. – Dir. of Ceremonies; Stuart M. Manuel (P.M.) – Tyler
Bawden, Wm. Alfred; Sir Arthur W. Currie; Glover, George; Harris, Chas. Israel; Eli Harrison; Henderson, Wm. ;Hodgson, Herbert; Kirkendale, George; Lewis, Thomas; McNeill, Jas. Chas.; Marchant, Wm. P.; Miller, Jas. Munroe; Mortimer, Arthur J.; Netherbv, Stephen B.; Edward Burness Paul (P.G.M.); Pope. Wm. F. Carey; Russell, Ernest H.; Staneland, Walter E.; Wallace Samuel Terry (P.G.M.); Samuel John Willis (P.G.M.); Wilson, David; Woolcock, John
Aaronson, Bert H.; Adams. John B.; Agnew, Gordon L.;. Alexander, Archibald; Allan, Hugh R. W.; Allan, Thos. W.; Allan, Thomas; Allen, Alfred Edward; Anderson, Fred; Armstrong, John W.; Armstrong, Robert; Arnall, T.J. T.; Askey, Robt Wm.; Austin, Henry J,; Bairstow, Douglas W.; David Herbert Bale; Balshaw, Wm. E.; Barber, Harry; Bayley, Henry E.; Bechtel. Arthur D.; Behnsen, H. F. W.; Bick, Leslie W.; Bilton, Henry R.; Bird, Henry; Birnie, John A.; Blake, Ernest E.; Blake, Henry L. S.; Bloomfield, Chas. E.; Brae, Frederick D.; Brass, Chas. L.; Brenchley, Arthur; Brenchley, Robert H.; Briggs, Harry C.; Brown, James Boyle; Brown, John Graham; Brown, Loren Lewis; Brownlee, Andrew L.; Bryce, James; Bucknam, Samuel W.; Bullen, Wm. F.; Bullough, John Wm.; Burgess. Arthur S.; Butler, John Wm.; Butterfield, Fredk,; Callow, Henry; Cameron, Alexander; Cameron, Duncan Me.; Campbell, Peter; Carter, Alfred Edw.; Casson, John E.; Cathcart, John; Chadwick. Isaac; Clayton, Edwin Jas.; Coates, P. Chas.; Cobbett, Wm. Jas. D.; Coigdarripe, John; Collins. David Fredk.; Cook, Wm. Ernest; Cooper, John Vincent; Cranston, Lee John; Cooper, Richard T.; Cornwall, Ira E.; Craigmyle, John; Cranston, Lee J.; Cridge, Edward; Cross, Daniel; Cullin, Harold J.; Cunnington, Chris. J.; Currie, Henry; Cutler, Melville F.; Davidson, Joseph H.; Davies, Herbert W.; Deakin, Thomas; Deane, Geo. H.; Deaville, Geo. Wm.; Dewar, James; Dickinson, Edwin; Dicks, Thos. I.; Dinsdale. Robert; Ditchburn, Wm. E.; Dixon, Harry; Dobb, John H.; Dobrin, Jacob; Dresser, Frank; Duncan, Wm. W.; Eagles, Chas. Fredk.; Edmonds, Percy J.; Edwards, Henry C.; Elliott. Percy H.; Evans, Thos. Joseph; Evans, Lewis John; Farmer, Wm. Ernest; Ferris, John Joseph; Findlay, Duncan B.; Finlayson, N. J. M.; Finn, Fredk. Oscar; Fisher, George; Fletcher, James; Flitton, Ralph Cyril; Fox, Ernest E.; Foxall, Wm.; Francis, F. Wm.; Fraser, James D.; Fraser, Stanley; Fraser, Walter S.; Fry, John; Fuller, DeWitt; Gard, Henry; Garrow, Robt. T.; Gaunt, Thos. Wm.; Gee, Wm. Henry; George, Andrew; Gibson, Wilfred; Goddard, Lewis W.; Goodlake, T. Julian; Gordon, Stanley; Gosse, Josiah; Gould, Ed. Francis; Grant, Wm. B.; Grant, John; Gray, Douglas S.; Greenwood, John; Griffin, Alfred Jas.; Grimison, John L; Gustafson, Olaf; Hall, Ernest A.; Hall, George; Hall, Lewis; Hamilton, A. V.; Hardie, Lewis H.; Harris, Chas. Graham; Hartman, Albert G.; Hartman, Leroy L.; Harvey, Alfred D.; Haynes, Ernest M.; Hayward, Thos. H.; Heater, William; Heatherbell, Wm.; Heisterman, B. S.; Henderson, Anton; Hill, E. R.; Honor, Francis Leake; Hourston, Alfred J.; Huggan, Wm. P.; Hughes, Philip H.; Hunter, George; Hunter, Joseph; Hurst, Robt. Jas.; Hurst, Thos. Henry; Huxtable, Alfred S.; Irvine, Ed. R.; .Jackson, E. H. W.; Jackson, Hugh; James, Evan A.; Jameson, Chas. G.; Jameson, Robt. Jas.; Jones, Ernest B.; Jones, Thos. G.; Kearsley, George; Kerr, Archibald C. ;Kerr, James; Kerton, Albert; Key, James; Kidd, F. H.; Kipling, Thomas; Knapman, Thos. H.; Knight, Geo. Henry; Knott, Widnell D.; Adolph Lancaster; Isadore Lancaster; Langley, John M.; Leiser, Max; Lindsay, Geo. Basil; Linklater, P. McK.; Linton, James; Lismore, Joseph; Logan, Wm. Henry; Lowe, Richard A.; Lowry, Geo. B.; Mackenzie, Roderick; Macintosh, Chas. W.; MacLean, P. A.; McCaghey, Wm. T.; McCann, George; McConnell, C. V.; McConnell, John H.; McCulloch, David; McCullough, Harry; McComb, Ephraim T.; McDonald, Wm.; McDougall, Edwin; McEwan, Thos.; McGimpsey, Samuel; McGraw, Frederick; McGregor, George; McGregor, Fredk. M.; Mclllree, John R.; McKenzie, Alex. M.; McKinnon, Malcolm; McKitrick, F. F.; McMicking, E. A. T.; McNamara, John P.; McRae, Archibald A.; McRae, Duncan D.; Madden, Jeremiah; Mann, Jas. Thomas; Marks, Isaac Ernest; Marrion, Arthur H.; Martin, George L.; Marwick, Robert; Mason, Edward Geo.; Matheson, James J.; Matthews, Edwin; Maxwell. Wm. Geo.; Maynard, Ernest G.; Maynard, James Wm.; Meharey, Andrew A.; Mellor, George; Merryfleld, Wm. J.; Miles, Stanley F.; Miles, Walter S.; Miller, George; Mitchell, Frederick J.; Mitchell, Sidney Thos.; Moore, Frederick; Morehouse, Walter S.; Morison, Roderick; Morrison, Robt. O.; Morrison, Rodk. W.; Morrow, Alex.; Muir, Robert John; Munroe, Alexander; Munro, Kenneth V.; Murray, Robert; Newcomb, John M.; Nirich, John Paul; Nixon, John ;Noel, James Ewing; O’Grady, Brian T.; Ogilvy, David Wm. C.; Oliver, Derwitt; Ormiston, George; Owen, Wm. D.; Oxendale, James; Palmer, Wm. Jonas; Parsons, Edwin; Pascoe, Wm. H.; Patton, Fredk. W.; Paul, Alexander S.; Paulin, George; Peters, Robert; Platnauer, Morris L.; Pollard, Wal. H. M.; Pomeroy, Frank D.; Pontifex, Harold; Prior, Chas. Robert; Proudfoot, William; Purdy, James; Rankin, Wm. Parks; Raymond, Percy A.; Renfrew, James; Rhode, Joseph; Richardson, John M.; Ridout, James; Riley, Russell Wm.; Risser, John Francis; Robertson, Geo. D. ;Robertson, John M.; Roberts, Samuel R.; Robinson, James W;. Rolfe, Thos. Neil; Rolfe, V. McN.; Ross, Harrie G.;Ruth, Harry Brown; Sanders, Wm. John; Sargison, Harry B.; Scaplen, Edward; Scott, Harry J.; Sea, Samuel, Jr.; Shade, Herbert F.; Shandley. H. H.; Shaver, Fredk. B.; Shaw, James; Shaw, Robert W.; Shaw. Richard P.; Shaw, Thomas; Shaw, Walter A;. Simmers, Hugh McK.; Sketch, Ernest Wm.; Sledge, John H.; Smith, Alex. G.; Smith, Edwin Chas.; Smith, Ed. W. H.; Smith, James M.; Smith, Sidney; Smith,, Stanley McB.; . Smith, Wm. Russell; Snow, Ernest; Sowerby. Chas. Wm.; Sparks, John C.; Stanner, Neville; Stapledon, Sam. John; Stephens, Wm. J.; Stern, Percival T.; Stewart, Vernon Wm.; Stoddart, William; Stratford, Frank C.; Taylor, Hugh Walker; Thompson, Wm. C.; Tibbitts. George; Tighe, Jas. Bernard; Tobin, Henry A.; Tubman, Chas. N.; Turpel, William; Van Camp, Cyrus O.; Vantreight. G. A.; Vaughan, Wm. Jas.; Vey, Wm. C.; Virtue, John Alex.; Waddington, Fredk.; Wade, Albert; Wales, Sydney Dan; Wallace, Archibald F.; Wallace, John; Wallace, Wm. Oakes; Walter, Arthur; Walton, Albert; Watters, Tom P.; Watson, John E.; Wescott, John R.; West. Frank; Whaley, Robt. Wm.; Whiteley, Wm. Hy.; Williams, Ernest A.; Wilkinson, Herbert; Wilson, Rowland; Wilson, Biggerstaff; Wilson, Walter J. W. ; Winsby, Wm. Norman; Woodburn, Fearon; Worthington, John A.; Worthington, Thos. I.; Worthington, Wm. P.; Wright, Ernest A.; Wright, Robert; Yates, Arthur; York, L. S. V.; Yule, William; Young, Archibald
Campbell, Harry John; Harris, Alexander; MacLachlan, R. D.; Pell, Frederick Geo.
Findlay, Walter C.; Jones-Evans, D. Samuel; McKerlie, Fredk. James; Shopland, Frederick J.;Ward, Reginald T.
Bishop, George; Caplen, William C.; William Haynes; Morice, J. Wm. F.; Samuelson, Wm. J.
Becker, C. W. M.; Croker, Arthur J.; Mitchell, Joel M.; Ogilvie, Robt. A.
The lists for 1921 and 1922 are UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Regular Meetings were held on the third Wednesday of each month and on the Festival of St. John the Evangelist (27 December).
Gower, William J. – Wor. Master; Clarke, Earl W. – Senior Warden; Hughes, Philip H. – Junior Warden; Deaville, Clarence, (P.M.) – Treasurer; Fatt, Francis F., (P.M.) – Secretary; Butterfield, Frederick – Chaplain; Wilson, Walter J. W. – Dir. of Ceremonies; Martin, Vincent C. – Senior Deacon; Field, Harry G. – Junior Deacon; Johnson, Halcrow P. – Organist; Stewart, Vernon W. – Steward; Miles, Walter S. – Steward; Carr, George S. – Inner Guard; Stuart M. Manuel, (non member) – Tyler
Anderson, Lt. Col. Wm.Harold Kerr, D.S.O.; Bawden, William A.; Sir Arthur William Currie, G.C.M.G., D.S.O.; Glover, George; Hall, Philip John; Harris, Charles Israel; Eli Harrison; Henderson, William; Hodgson, Hubert; Kirkendale, George; Lewis, Thomas; McNeill, James Charles; Marchant, William P.; Mason, William; Miller, J. Munroe; Morris, Henry E.; Mortimer, Arthur John; Muir, Douglas Dryden; Nickerson, David Blair; Edward B. Paul, (P.G.M.); Pope, William F. C.; Russell, Ernest H.; Staneland, Walter E.; Wallace S. Terry (P.G.M.); Wallace, William O.; Samuel John Willis (P.G.M.); Wilson, David (P.G.M.); Woolcock, John
Aaronson, Bert H.; Abery, Edward D.; Adams, John B.; Agnew, Gordon L.; Alexander, Archibald ;Allan, Hugh R. W.; Allan, Thomas; Allan, Thomas W.; Allen, Alfred E.; Anderson, Frederick; Armstrong, John W.; Armstrong, Robert; Arnall, Thos. J. T.; Askey, Robert W.; Austin, Henry J.; Bairstow, Douglas W.; David Herbert Bale; Balls, Matthew; Balshaw, William E.; Barber, Harry; Bagley, Henry E.; Beatty, James H.; Bechtel, Arthur D.; Behnsen, Henry F.; Bick, Leslie W.; Bilton, Henry R.; Bird, Henry; Birnie, John Alex.; Blake, Ernest E.; Blizzard, Frederick E.; Brae, Frederick D.; Brenchley, Arthur; Brenchley, Robert H.; Briggs, Harry C.; Brown, James Boyle; Brown, John Graham; Brown, Loren Lewis; Brownlie, Andrew L.; Bryce, James; Bullough, John William; Burgess,. Arthur S.; Butler, John William; Callow, Henry; Cameron, Alexander; Cameron, Duncan McR.; Cameron, Donald S.; Cameron, Donald S., Jr.; Cameron, Gordon A.; Cameron, William F.; Campbell, Peter ;Carson, Thomas J.; Carter, Alfred Edward; Casson, John Edgar; Cathcart, John; Chadwick, Isaac; Clayton, Edwin James; Cobbett, Wm. Jas. D.; Coigdarripe, John; Collins, David F.; Cook, William E.; Cooper, Charles C.; Cooper, John V.; Cooper, Richard T.; Cornwall, Ira Edmund; Cowan, Chas. S. R.; Cox, Ernest J.; Craigmyle, John; Cranston, Lee John; Cridge, Edward; Cross, Daniel; Crow, Percy John; Cullin, Harold J. C.; Cumming, Joseph McC.; Currie, Henry; Curtis, Henry W.; Cutler, Melville F.; Davidson, Joseph H.; Davies, Herbert W.; Davies, John; Davis, William T.; Deakin, Thomas; Deane, George H.; Deaville, George W.; Dewar, James; Dickinson, Edwin; Dicks, Thomas Inge; Dinsdale, Robert; Ditchburn, William E.; Dixon, Harry; Dobbs, John Henry; Dobrin, Jacob; Dowler, Ernest David; Dresser, Frank; Dyer, Wilfred G. C.; Duncan,William W.; Dunn, John; Eab, Herman; Eagles, Charles F.; Edmonds, Percy James; Edwards, Henry C.; Edwards, Herbert L.; Elliott, Percy Harris; Evans, Thomas J.; Farmer, William E.; Ferris, John Joseph; Findlay, Duncan B.; Findler, John H. W.; Finlayson, Norman J. M.; Finn, Frederick O.; Fletcher, James; Foubister, David; Foxall, William; Francip, Frederick W.; Fraser, James Donald; Fraser, Stanley; Fraser, Walter S.; Fry, John; Fuller, DeWitt; Fyvie, David; Gard, Henry; Gardener, William H.; Garrow, Robert T.; Gee, William Henry; George, Andrew; Gibson, Wilfrid; Goodlake, Thomas I.; Gordon, Stanley; Gosse, Josiah; Gould, Edwin F.; Gorle, John W.; Grahame, Harry McA.; Grant, John; Grant, William B.; Gray, Douglas S.; Greenwood, John; Griggs, Thomas H.; Grimison, John L.; Gustafson, Olaf; Hall, Ernest Amos; Hall, George; Hall, Lewis; Hamilton, Andrew V.; Hardie, Lewis Herbert; Harris, Alexander; Harris, Charles G.; Hartman, Albert Gus; Hartman, Leroy Leo; Hastings, Hiram X.; Haynes, Ernest M.; Hayward, Thomas H.; Heater, William; Heatherbell, William; Heisterman, Bernard S.; Henderson, Anton; Hill, Edward Raymond; Hill, Frank Liot; Honor, Francis L.; Holmes, Henry C.; Hallet, George H.; Hourston, Alfred John; Hooper, Herbert P.; Huggan, William P.; Hunter, George; Hunter, James W.; Hunter, Joseph; Hurst, Robert James; Hurst, Thomas H.; Huxtable, Alfred S.; Irvine, Edward R.; Irvine, David T.; Jackson, Edward H. W.; Jackson, Hugh; James, Evan Albert; Jameson, Charles G.; Jameson, Robert J.; Jones, Thomas Gordon; Jones-Evans, David S.; Kearsley, George; Kerr, Archibald C.; Kerr, James; Kerton, Albert; Key, James; Kidd, Francis Howard; Kipling, Thomas; Knapman, Thomas U.; Knight, George Henry; Knight, Thomas; Knott, Widnell D.; Adolph Lancaster; Isadore Lancaster; Langley, John Mount; Leiser, Max; Linklater, Peter McK.; Linton, James; Lismoret, Joseph; Logan, William H.; Lowe, Richard A.; Macgregor, John A.; Mackenzie, Roderick; Macintosh, Charles W.; MacLachlan, Robert D.; MacLean, Peter A.; MacKinnon, Donald; McCaghey, William T.; McCann, George; McComb, Ephraim T.; McConnell, Clarence V.; McConnell, John H.; McDonald, William; McDougal, Sinclair M.; McDougall, Edwin; McEwan, Thomas; McGraw, Frederick; McGregor, Frederick M.; McGregor, George; Mclllree, John R.; McKenzie, Alex. M.; McKinnon, Malcolm; McKitrick, Frederick F.; McMicking, Edgar A. T.; McMillan, C. H.; McRae, Archibald A.; McRae, Duncan D.; Mann, James Thomas; Marks, Isaac E.; Marrion, Arthur H.; Marwick, Robert; Mason, Edward George; Matheson, James J.; Matthews, Edwin; Maynard., Ernest G.; Maynard, James Wm.; Meharey, Andrew A.; Mellor, George; Merryfield, William J.; Miles, Stanley F.; Miller, George; Miller, Thomas; Mitchell, Frederick J.; Moore, Fred.; Morehouse, Walter S.; Morison, Roderick; Morley, Ernest G.; Morrison, Robert G.; Morrison, Roderick W.; Morrow, Alexander; Muir, Robert John; Munro, Kenneth V.; Munroe, Alexander; Murray, Robert; Neal, Bonnie Wm.; Newcomb, John M.; Nirich, John Paul; Nixon, John; Noel, James E.; Norton, Francis H. A.; Ogilvy, David W. C.; O’Grady, Brian T.; Oliver, DeWitt; Ormiston, George; Owen, William D.; Oxendale, James; Palmer, William J.; Parsons, Edwin; Parfeit, Albert; Partridge, Frank H.; Patterson, George; Patton, Frederick W.; Paul, Alexander S.; Peake, Lionel J.; Pell, Frederick G.; Peters, Robert; Petterson, James H.; Platnauer, Morris L.; Pollard, Wallace H. M.; Pontifex, Harold; Poyntz, Louis K.; Prior, Charles R.; Proudfoot, William; Purdy, James; Rankin, William P.; Raymond, Percy A.; Renfrew, James;Rhode, Joseph; Richardson, John M.; Ridout, James; Riley, Russell W.; Risser, John Francis; Robertson, George D.; Robertson, John Mack; Robinson, James Wm.; Rolfe, Thomas N.; Rolfe, Victor McN.; Ross, Harrie G.; Ruth, Harry Brown; Sanders, William J.; Sargison, Harry B.; Scaplen, Edward; Scott, Harry J.; Scott, Thomas; Sea, Samuel; Shandley, Herbert H.; Shaver, Frederick B.; Shaw, James; Shaw, Richard P.; Shaw, Robert W.; Shaw, Thomas; Simmers, Hugh McK.; Sketch, Ernest W.; Sledge, John Herbert; Smart, James G.; Smith, Alexander G.; Smith, Edlwin C.; Smith, Edward W. H.; Smith, James M.; Smith, Sidney; Smith, Stanley McB.; Smith, William R.; Snow, Ernest; Sowerby, Charles W.; Sparks, John C.; Stanner, Neville; Stapledon, Samuel J.; Stephens, William J.; Stern, Percival T.; Stevens, Achille F.; Stevens, John Howard; Stevens, Whitney W.; Stratford. Frank C.; Taylor, Hugh W.; Thompson, William C.; Thomson, William E.; Tighe, James Bernard; Tobin, Henry A.; Todd, Robert W.; Tolty, Elliot; Tubucan, Charles N.; Turpel, William; Van Camp, Cyrus O.; Vantreight, Geoffrey A.; Vaughan, William J.; Vey, William C.; Virtue, John Alex.; Waddington, Frederick; Wade, Albert Edward; Wales, Sydney D.; Wallace, Archibald F.; Wallace, John; Walton, Albert; Waters, Tom Percy; Watson, John Edwin; Wayles, Alfred; Wescott, John R.; Whaley, Robert W.; Wilby, William J.; Williams, Ernest A.; Wilkinson, Herbert; Wilson, Biggerstaff; Wilson, Rowland; Winsby, William N.; Woollard, Arthur S.; Woodburn, Pearson; Woodhouse, Walter L.; Worthington, John A.; Worthington, Thomas J.; Worthington, Wm.; Wright, Ernest A.; Wright, Frederick; Wright, Robert ;Yates, Arthur; York, Louis S. V.; Young, Archibald; Yule, William
Campbell, Harry J. ; Campbell, Thomas M.; McKerlie, William J.
Ford, George R.; Orchard, Chauncey D.; Robertson, James; Shopland, Frederick J.; Ward, Reginald T.
Hughes, Harry P.
Coates, Preston C.; Flitton, Ralph C.; Hurn, Horace S.; Jones, Ernest B.; Shaw, Walter A.
The lists for 1924 to 1929 are UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
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