Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, with its sections on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on Thomas Chancey Nuttall, who is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Worshipful Brother Thomas Chancey Nuttall came to Victoria in 1859 and became a prominent insurance agent and commercial property owner. He represented the Phoenix Fire Assurance Company of London, England.
Thomas Chancey Nuttall became a member of Victoria Lodge, No. 1085, which later became Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1.
Here is a brief biography of Worshipful Brother Thomas Chancey Nuttall taken from local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
Death Yesterday at Victoria West of Thomas Chancey Nuttall
Death robbed Victoria of another of its leading pioneers yesterday in the person of Thomas Chancey Nuttall, formerly very prominently identified with the commercial life of the city. Years ago the deceased did a very large commission and insurance business, and in this vocation was foremost amongst his class. His business premises were for many years located on the corner of Government and Bastion streets, where the Bank of Montreal now stands. The original Bank of British Columbia, now the Canadian Bank of Commerce, was formerly located at this corner, and when the institution was moved to new premises Mr. Nuttall acquired the building. Of late years he has been incapacitated from business duties. His death occurred at the family residence, Henry street, Victoria West.
Deceased was the eldest son of John Charles Nuttall of Newfoundland and grandson of General Thomas Nuttall of ‘Old Nuttall Hall’, Nuttall, Lancashire, Eng. The deceased came to this province in March 1859. For thirty years, from 1865 to 1895, he was general agent for the province for the Phoenix Fire Assurance Company of London, Eng., and at different times owned some of the most important business sites in the city.
In 1878 he married Elizabeth Sarah, eldest daughter of Richard Tate-Stoate, Esq., of Clifton, Somersetshire, Eng.
The deceased leaves, besides a widow, four daughters – Mrs. C.H. Hopkins of Kent, Wn., and the Misses Helen, Margaret and Gertrude Nuttall. He also leaves a brother, Mr. George Nuttall of Boston; and two nephews, Sir James Winter and Mr. Frank Berteau of Newfoundland.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 9 February 1906, page 7, column 3)
The District of North Cowichan has published a map showing the landholdings of pioneer residents and landowners around Cobble Hill and Shawnigan Lake. Thomas Chancey Nuttall is listed as having acquired a large parcel of land north of Shawnigan Lake in 1882.
Thomas Chancey Nuttall is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

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