Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
David Herbert Bale (1867-1945) was a building designer and contractor who designed homes which he then built through his company, D.H. Bale. He was a member of Vancouver&Quadra Lodge No.2 in Victoria.
Although David H. Bale does not appear to have been a licensed architect he was describing himself in his pre-1920 advertisements as an “Architect, Builder and Contractor”.

The 1913 advertisement above shows David Bale’s business location as “Corner Fort and Stadacona Avenue”. This building is still standing at 1402 Stadacona Avenue. David H. Bale designed and built 1402 Stadacona Avenue in 1907 as his personal residence and business office.

Several houses built by David H. Bale are still standing in Victoria. Here are some examples:

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