Deceased Brethren
Stanley Gordon was an American who came to Union Bay, B.C. about 1911 and liked Vancouver Island so much that he decided to stay.
He affiliated with Temple Lodge No. 33 in 1918 and remained a member of the Lodge until his death in 1945. He was also a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2 in Victoria.
He began going through the chairs in Temple Lodge in 1923, serving as Junior Deacon (1923), Senior Deacon (1924), Junior Warden (1925) and Worshipful Master in 1926. He then served as Director of Ceremonies for many years.
His obituary (shown below) indicates that he was a very highly regarded citizen of Lake Cowichan, B.C. and was well respected in B.C. Masonic circles.

Here is a brief biographical sketch of Stanley Gordon taken from Temple Lodge, No.33 records and from local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
“…A petition for membership of this Lodge was received from Bro. Stanley Gordon of Vancouver and Quadra Lodge, No.2, Victoria. Petitioner states he was born at Savannah, Georgia, USA age 40, Occupation, clerk, resides at Cowichan Lake. The application is accompanied by a receipt for dues and the usual fee of $5.00.
Moved by Wor. Bro. A.H. Peterson seconded by W. Bros. Dobson and Grieg that the petition be received and the usual committee appointed. Carried. The W. Master appointed as a committee on this petition Wor. Bros. Grieg, Dobson and Peterson..”
Source: Temple Lodge, No.33 Minute Book, Regular Meeting, 9 April 1918
“…The committee on the application for membership by affiliation of Bro. Stanley Gordon reported favorably. Moved by Wor. Bro. Pitt seconded by W.B. Fawcett that the report be received, the committee discharged and the candidate balloted on. Motion carried. The Wor. Master ordered a ballot be taken. Balloting completed……….Whereupon the W.M. declared Bro. Stanley Gordon duly elected a member of this Lodge by affiliation…”
Source: Temple Lodge, No.33 Minute Book, Regular Meeting, 14 May 1918
“Gordon – Suddenly, on Saturday night, in Victoria, where he was on a Masonic visit, there passed away one of the best known and lovable men in all Cowichan, Mr. Stanley Gordon, Lake Cowichan.
He was born in Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A., 67 years ago and was educated at Wentwood College, Fulton, Missouri. His early manhood was full of adventure. He served in Cuba during the Spanish-American war, attaining the rank of captain. He spent some 10 years in the tropics.
He was engaged in railway construction in Ecuador and afterwards worked in Brazil. Spending two years on the Amazon. He was in Panama when the canal was being built and worked there. He had decided to go to New York but, when he got aboard the steamer, he found it did not stop in San Francisco. So he came right up to Union Bay. Here. About 1912, he was so enchanted with the Island that he decided to remain.
He was operating for himself at Bamfield, getting out shingle bolts, and,later, was at Powell River or a short time but was finally identified with the lumber industry in Cowichan. He was the storekeeper for the Genoa Bay mill for some years and worked for the Empire Lumber Co., Lake Cowichan. He had lived there for 25 years.
Some 20 years ago, Mr. Gordon opened his store at the lake foot. Later, he established a store at Youbou which he sold to the Industrial Timber Mills Ltd. a year ago. He established the waterworks and electric lighting at Lake Cowichan. For the past seven years he had been in indifferent health but not until a year ago did he give up active participation in his store business.
He was far more than a businessman. His great interest was in the Masonic order. His life and record typify something of what that meant to his community. He rose to some of the highest offices and no man was better known, respected and admired in Masonic circles throughout B.C. than he was.
Among many other distinctions, he was past master of Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan, members of which met yesterday noon and then journeyed to Victoria to join with Vancouver and Quadra Lodge, No. 2, of which he was also a member, in the funeral services. These were conducted at the Thomson Funeral Home chapel by the Rev. Thomas Menzies. This afternoon, in the Masonic cemetery, Vancouver, burial will take place.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon, here, Mr. Gordon leaves five brothers and three sisters.
From Lake Cowichan comes this tribute: –
The lake suffers an irreplaceable loss by his sudden passing. It will be felt by every man, woman and child here. Notwithstanding his failing health, Mr. Gordon gave of his time and money unstintingly for the benefit and furtherance of the community.
His enthusiasm and cheerfulness were an inspiration to every one. Above all, he was beloved for his unfailing and personal interest in people. Many a man he helped materially; many a perplexed householder he benefitted in ways that will never be forgotten.
Lives of all great men remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time
Mr. Gordon was a great man. He has left footprints at Lake Cowichan that will never be erased. For those who were privileged to know him he has left uplifting memories.”
Source: Cowichan Leader, 15 February 1945
“Gordon – Services for the late Mr. Stanley Gordon, Lake Cowichan, were held in Victoria last Wednesday. Some 20 members of Temple Lodge, No. 33, A.F. & A.M., there joined with over a hundred members of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2 at the Masonic Temple.
Services were held at the Thomson Funeral Home Chapel, the Rev. Thomas Menzies officiating there and in Vancouver. A score of friends from this district were among the large number present at the interment in the Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby. There were many floral tributes.
Pallbearers were: Messrs. Douglas Erickson and K.H. Castley, Lake Cowichan; W.B. Powel, Duncan; J.H. Morgan, New Westminster; W.R. Trench and W.T. Moore, Vancouver.”
Source: Cowichan Leader, 22 February 1945 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)
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