Percy Franklin Jaynes was a member of Ymir Lodge, No. 31 in Salmo, B.C.
Percy Franklin Jaynes (1850-1920) was a member of Ymir Lodge, No.31. He was born in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England.

The photograph above was supplied to us by Keith Price and is reproduced here with his permission. It shows Percy Franklin Jaynes, circa 1900, with his niece Florence Jaynes, who married Temple Lodge, No.33 member James Henry Whittome. The building in the left foreground is the original E&N Railway Station, which was replaced by the current E&N Railway Station building (now the Cowichan Valley Museum) in 1912. The building in the background is the original Quamichan Hotel, owned by Temple Lodge, No.33 member Frank Price, on what is now Duncan Street. The Cowichan Green Community building is now on that site.
In the 1890’s Percy Franklin Jaynes had a business partnership with Temple Lodge, No.33 member Francis Henry Price in the Lakeside Hotel in Lake Cowichan, B.C. He sold his interest in the Lakeside Hotel to Frank Price‘s brother, Ernest Alfred Price, who was also a member of Temple Lodge, No.33. Francis Henry Price and Ernest Alfred Price are also buried in St. Peter’s Quamichan Anglican cemetery.
We will do more research on Percy Franklin Jaynes and post what we find.
Here is the Temple Lodge, No. 33 record of an Emergent Meeting held on 5 January 2910 to conduct Percy Franklin Jaynes’ funeral and burial:
“…The Worshipful Master announced that this Communication had been called by him for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother Percy Franklin Jaynes of Ymir Lodge, No. 31, Ymir, B.C.
The burial service was then proceeded with and the Lodge repaired to St. Peter’s Churchyard, Quamichan and then formed in procession and repairing to the grave with the solemn honour of Freemasonry interred the mortal remains of our departed Brother. This duty performed the procession re-formed and returned to the Lodge.
Before proceeding to the graveyard the Secretary on the motion of Wor. Bro. Peterson seconded by Wor. Bro. Prevost and duly carried was instructed to notify Ymir Lodge, No. 31 of the proceedings and to convey the condolences of this Lodge on the death of our Brother.
On the motion of Wor. Bro. Dwyer seconded by Bro. Dykes the Secretary was also directed on behalf of the Lodge to convey to the relatives of our late Brother the deep sympathy of this Lodge in their bereavement…..”
(Source: Temple Lodge, No.33 Minute Book, Emergent Meeting of 5 January 1920)
We will do more research on Percy Franklin Jaynes and post what we find.
Percy Franklin Jaynes is buried in St. Peter’s Quamichan Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan.

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