Ernest Alfred Price (1868-1920) was Initiated in Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1900. His brother Francis Henry Price was also a member of Temple Lodge, No.33.

The Petition for Initiation from Ernest Alfred Price was received by Temple Lodge at a Regular Meeting on 14 April 1900, along with Petitions for Initiation from James St. Leger Maitland-Dougall and Thomas Anthony Wood.
An Investigation Committee consisting of Samuel Robinson, James Evans and James Mutter was appointed to examine Ernest Price’s application. The Committee reported favourably and Ernest Price was Initiated in Temple Lodge, along with Thomas Anthony Wood and Robert Telford, at an Emergent Meeting on 21 May 1900.
Here is a brief biography of Ernest Price taken from local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
“Price – In the death of Mr. Ernest Alfred Price, Duncan loses one of its most esteemed residents. Following an illness of about a week, Mr. Price succumbed last Thursday afternoon from heart failure.
He was one of the most unassuming as he was one of the most generous and likeable of men. The esteem in which he was held and the sympathy which his death evoked were publicly demonstrated on Saturday last when his body was Interred at St. Peter’s, Quamichan.
The church could not accommodate all the mourners, and a large truck had to be requisitioned to transport the floral offerings. The Rev. F.L. Stephenson officiated and the hymns sung were “Peace, Perfect Peace” and “Lead Kindly Light.” The pallbearers were Messrs. John Hall, T.A. Wood, W.M. Dwyer, E.W. Carr Hilton, J.B. Girdwood (Cowichan Lake) and Stewart Williams (Victoria).
Mr. Price was born at Quennington, near Fairford, Gloucestershire, England, 52 years ago. He came to this district in December 1887, to join his brother. Mr. F.H. Price. In the following year he worked for some months on the construction of the Okanagan and Shuswap railway to Vernon, and, returning here, he and his brother, Mr. Charles Price, bought property at Somenos and farmed there for a few years.
He then joined Mr. Frank Price in the Cowichan Lake hotel [note: it was called the Lakeside Hotel and was located in Lake Cowichan.] This they sold in 1905. They then erected the Tzouhalem hotel, Duncan. Only a short time ago Mr. Ernest Price bought out his brother’s interest and took full charge of the hotel.
[Note: family descendant Keith Price has told us that he believes the above paragraph contains some errors. Keith Price says that “Ernest Price stayed up at the Lakeside Hotel in Lake Cowichan and ran that while Frank Price came back to Duncan and got the build of the Tzouhalem Hotel under way. The Tzouhalem Hotel opened in 1902 and they ran both hotels for a time. After Ernest returned from overseas (in 1919, see below) he basically took over the running of the Tzouhalem Hotel and Frank Price retired.]
Although over age, Mr. Price enlisted in May 1916, with the 196th (Western Universities) Bn., C.E.F., and after training at camp Hughes, Manitoba, reached England in November of that year. The strenuous route marches which he undertook in order to qualify for the drafts to France undoubtedly told on his heart. At length he had to give up hope of getting there and, in August 1917, he was taken on the strength of the Canadian Records office, London. He returned to his home in April, 1919.
He leaves a widow and four children, Muriel, Gwendoline, Dorothy and William; a brother in Duncan [note: Frank Henry Price]; two brothers, Arthur, in Toronto and William, In Baldur, Manitoba; and a sister, Mrs. Marriott, Parksville.
He was a member of Temple Lodge, A.F. & A.M., and many Masons attended the funeral. Among the flowers were wreaths from this lodge, the Cowichan G.W.V.A., and the King’s Daughters.”
(Source: Cowichan Leader, 25 November 1920 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)
Ernest Alfred Price is buried in St. Peter’s Quamichan Anglican cemetery, North Cowichan.

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