Temple Lodge No. 33 will be hosting the annual District 27 Masonic Education Day at the Duncan Masonic Temple on Saturday, 1 June 2019, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. There will be lunch afterwards.
The theme of the 2019 District 27 Masonic Education Day will be technology and its use in the Craft. The presenters will be as follows:
- District 27 Education Officer Mark Anderson will demonstrate how to build a Masonic Lodge website by building a new website for Admiral Lodge No. 170;
- Bro. Connor Massey will do a presentation on Masonic podcasts. Bro. Massey hosts a Masonic podcast;
- The District Deputy Grand Master, R.W.B. Ken Christofferson will be doing a presentation on a topic of his choice.
The District 27 Masonic Education Day is open to all Freemasons and their guests. There is no charge for this event.
It will be held at the Duncan Masonic Temple. We hope to see you there.