Ladysmith. B. C.
Regular meetings were held on the first Saturday of each month, except the months of July and August.
Gregson, Douglas – Wor. Master; Georgeson, William A. – Senior Warden; Kerr, Alvin D. – Junior Warden; Cullum, William Arthur, (P.M.) – Treasurer; Glen, Arthur Percy – Secretary; Thomson, George (P.M.) – Chaplain; Chalmers, William S. – Senior Deacon; Morgan, John S. – Junior Deacon; Joyce, Robert (P.M.) – Dir. of Ceremonies; Lock, John W. — Steward; Strang, Thomas, Jr. – Steward; Ferguson, Walter H. – Inner Guard; Harries, John (P.M.) – Tyler
Bauld, William; Davidson, David; Ferguson, George; Gordon, William D.; Graham, Charles; Gregson, Edward; Gregson, Norman; Griffin, Frank H.; Holmes, Frank N.; Johnston, Fred; Keaist, Israel, Sr.; Kerley, Frederick G.; McKay, Peter S.; Nimmo, James Pollock; Rodger, John; Spratt, Thomas; Trotter, Robert; Wilson, William; Wright, Henry
Akenhead, Wilfred E.; Allan, Hamilton; Armstrong, John H.; Armstrong, Samuel; Auchinvole, Alexander; Baillie, William; Beaton, Angus; Beattie, William R.; Beban, Francis; Bennie, James; Bickle, John; Bland, Alfred E.; Bland, John H.; Bosetti, Libero; Boyd, Edward; Bowlsby, Zedeska; Bryden, Alexander N.; Butler, William H.; Campbell, Andrew; Campbell, John M.; Collinge, Thomas; Dabb, Owen; Davidson, John; Dick, John T. B.; Dick, Valleijo R.; Dier, Roy B.; Duncan, James; Dunsmuir, Martin; Evans, Jesse T.; Ferguson, Alexander N.; Fowler, Jordan M.; Gatus, David A.; Giovando, John D.; Giovando, Lorenzo; Gourlay, David; Hallberg, Elmer R.; Hall, William; Harold, Thomas C.; Haworth, James; Heald, Sydney E.; Heyes, Edward; Hurter, Charles S.; Inkster, Joseph D.; Isbister, William S.; Jones, Samuel; Jones, Stanley; Keaist, Israel, Jr.; Lauderbach, Ernest; Lauderbach, Wilfred P.; Lowery, John; McKay, James P.; McKinley, John; McKinnon, Alexander; McLean, Donald; Marshall, Frederick; Marshall, Richard D.; Mason, Joseph; Mercer, Hugh Richmond; Michael, Walter E.; Morgan, John H.; Mouat, Thomas W.; Orr, Alexander; Parsley, Harold J.; Petrak, John M.; Porter, Allan V.; Pringle, Robert W.; Proudfoot, Thomas; Pryde, George; Quayle, Alexander B.; Quayle, Thomas A.; Roberts, George F.; Rogers, John W.; Rollston, William; Sanderson, William; Sharp, John; Shaw, James; Shearer, David; Smith, Hugh; Spargo, Thomas; Squires, Frederick; Steele, Walter; Sterling, Bruce E.; Strang, Alexander; Strang, Thomas, Sr.; Stubbs, William; Thomson, John McC.; Valentine, Richard; Weir, James B.; Wesnedge, William; Whisker, Charles; Williams, Clifford; Wilson, Joseph, Sr.; Wilson, Joseph, Jr.; Wilson, Thomas
Cairns, John S.; Ferguson, James N.
The Historic membership Lists for 1941-1949 are UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
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