Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments
Norman Parfitt (1917-1990) was a member of the Parfitt family which operated the Parfitt Brothers construction firm, which built many historic buildings in Victoria.
He was a Past Master of Mt. Newton Lodge No. 89 (now United Peninsula Lodge No. 24) in Saanichton, B.C. The Historian at United Peninsula Lodge No. 24 tells us Norman Parfiit was aged 40 and employed as a “Rate Clerk” when he made a Petition For Initiation to Mt. Newton Lodge No. 89 in Saanichton in 1958. He was Initiated in Mt. Newton Lodge No. 84 on 27 March 1958, was Passed on 12 June 1958 and was Raised on 19 July 1958. He served as Worshipful Master of Mt. Newton Lodge No. 89 in 1969-1970.

We will add more biographical information on Norman Parfitt in future.
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