Buildings Associated With Freemasons – Victoria
Board of Trade Building, 31 Bastion Square, Victoria, B.C.
The Board of Trade Building, 31 Bastion Square, Victoria, B.C. was designed and built in 1892 by architect Alexander Maxwell Muir, a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No.2 in Victoria.
The Board of Trade building is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places and the City of Victoria Heritage Building Registry.

This building also has connections to other notable Freemasons. The Vancouver Portland Cement Company, associated with Robert Pym Butchart (of Butchart Gardens fame), maintained offices in the Board of Trade Building between 1904 and 1917.
The Board of Trade Building was acquired by Vancouver based Reliance Properties in 2013.
Here are links to some additional information about the Board of Trade Building:
- BC Archives photo C-08883 – Board of Trade Building circa 1893
- BC Archives photo A-08807 – Board of Trade Building circa 1925
- Canadian Register of Historic Places
- Maltwood Gallery – University of Victoria
- Victoria Times-Colonist – 30 April 2013
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