When researching the history of Temple Lodge we often come across items which may be of interest to members of Temple Lodge, to the Brethren of other Lodges and to geneologists and other researchers. We recently came across these items that took place between 1899 and 1909:

- 1900 -

"..........Temple Lodge, U.D. - On the 16th of December [1899] I instituted temple Lodge, U.D. at Duncans. There is every indication of this lodge being a permanent one, being largely composed of farmers of the flourishing Valley of Cowichan, and residents of the Village of Duncans.

The present W.M. is that sterling old Mason, P.M. Bro. John Frame. On several occasions he has been ably assisted by brethren of Ashlar and St. John's Lodges. I visited the lodge on the 9th of June [1900] and saw the M.M. degree conferred, which on the whole was very good, more especially the first and third sections.

I have the greatest pleasure in recommending them to Grand Lodge for a charter.............

All of which is fraternally submitted,

W.M. Stewart, D.D.G.M., District No. 5

Nanaimo, 20th June, 1900

Source: Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 29th Annual Communication, 1900, pages 54-55


Tabular Statement of Work of Subordinate Lodges, 1 March 1899 to 28 February 1900:

...Temple Lodge, U.D., Duncans - Number On Roll, 1899: - ; Initiated: 10; Passed: 7; Raised: 6; Entered Apprentice: 3; Fellow Craft: 1; Master Masons On Roll: 20; Total On Roll: 24

Lodge Secretary: Christopher Dobson........."

Source: Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 29th Annual Communication, 1900, page 40


At the 29th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of B.C., held in Vancouver, B.C., 21-23 June 1900, the following Resolution was passed on the afternoon of 23 June 1900:

"Resolved - That Warrants be granted to those Lodges now Under Dispensation, as recommended by the Committee on Petitions.

To Ymir Lodge..........Ymir, as No.31

To Fidelity Lodge..........Trail, as No.32

To Temple Lodge..........Duncans, as No.33

To Cranbrook Lodge..........Cranbrook, as No.34

And that the Grand Secretary procure fittings as specified in Constitution......"

Source: Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 29th Annual Communication, 1900, page 78


On 21 July 1900, Temple Lodge received its Charter from the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of British Columbia.

"On July 21st, 1900, by authority of the M.W. Grand Master, I constituted and consecrated into a regular Lodge, Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncans, installed the officers and presented the Charter. This Lodge has bright prospects. I am advised it is making good progress.

On July 28th [1900] I attended a Masonic picnic at Duncans. The music was all that could be desired and we witnessed many well contested sports. The distribution of prizes to the successful contestants brought to a close a most delightful day. It is to be regretted the attendance was not larger. I would earnestly urge a continuation of these happy gatherings. They encourage a 'mutual interchange of fraternal feelings' and it is a pleasant and easy way 'to be happy ourselves and communicate that happiness to others'.........

Fraternally submitted,

F. McB. Young, Deputy Grand Master "

Source: Proceedings, Grand Lodge,A.F. & A.M., of B.C., 1901,Report of Deputy Grand Master, page 22


Agreeable to the resolution passed at our last Annual Communication I had the warrants and other fittings made out with dispatch in favor of Ymir, No. 31; Fidelity, No. 32; Temple, No. 33; and Cranbrook, No. 34. These were sent to the District Deputies interested, and I am pleased to note the prompt attention given to this important work by the said officers. The dates of work are:

July 21, 1900 - Temple. Constituted by R.W. Bro. Fred. McB. Young, D.G.M. (owing to absence of W.M. Bro. Bate in England).........

I am certain the Grand Lodge will note how promptly all this was done and feel thankful to the several officers for their zeal."

Source: Proceedings, Grand Lodge,A.F. & A.M., of B.C., 1901, page 28

“An Emergency Communication was called in the above Lodge for the purpose of presenting the Charter and installing officers.
The Lodge was opened on the 3rd degree by R.W. Bro. Young D.G.M. who then read the Charter and presented it to the Lodge after which he installed the following officers. Bro. Frame W.M. Bro. Smith S.W.  Bro. Robinson J.W. Bro. Dobson Secretary Bro. Evans S.D. Bro. Truesdale I.G. Bro. Lucas D.C. They being all the members present.

After speeches by the officers the following committee was appointed to draft bylaws. Bros. Gidley, Smith and Lucas.

There being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony.”

Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 1, Emergent meeting of 21 July 1900


“Application of William Best, age 32, Bridge Carpenter, for Initiation received and the following Investigating Committee appointed:  Bros. Evans, Robinson and Mutter.

Application for Affiliation of Edgar F. Clark received and the following committee appointed:  Bros. Gidley, Truesdale and Evans.

Application of James McLeod Campbell, age 34, Builder, for Initiation received and the following Investigating Committee appointed:  Bros. Robinson, Dobson and Evans.”

Bills.....from the Knights of Pythias for rent of Hall, $18.00, the Agricultural Society $10.00 for rent of Hall and grounds for the Picnic of July 28th [1900]”

“....Bros. Price and Wood were examined in the Entered Apprentice degree and being found proficient it was moved by Bro. Robinson seconded by Bro. Smith that they be passed to the more honourable degree of a Fellow Craft. Carried...........first Bro. Price and next Bro. Wood were passed to the more honourable degree of Fellow Craft....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 2, meeting of 4 August 1900

“..........Lodge opened on the second degree for the purpose of examining Bro. Wood as to his proficiency, and passing a very creditable examination it was moved by Bro. Robinson seconded by Bro. Smith that he be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Carried................Bro. Wood was raised  to the Sublime degree of a Master Mason in due and ancient form.........”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 3, Emergent meeting of 18 August 1900

Visitors list shows Bro E.F. Clark of Elworthy Lodge, No. 146, Kansas, U.S.A. [Note: should be Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, 205 West 8th Street, Ellsworth, Kansas, U.S.A. 67439-0351.]

Bro. Whittome passed to a Fellow Craft with Grand Master in attendance at Emergent Meeting.

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 4, Emergent meeting of 6 September 1900

“....Reports of investigation committees on the applications were then read on Wm. Best and J. McL. Campbell for Initiation and on Bro. Clark for Affiliation, and on motion the reports were received and the candidates regularly balloted for, and declared elected to become members of this Lodge in the usual way.”

“Moved by Bro. Evans, seconded by Bro. Truesdale, that the Secretary be instructed to forward the most hearty thanks of this Lodge to Bro. Barnes of Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 for his kind donation of 24 inch gage, common gavel and trestle board. Carried unanimously.”

“Moved by Bro. Evans, sec. by Bro. Wood that if the funds of this Lodge will admit it that charts for the three degrees be procured. Carried.”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, pages 5-6, Regular meeting of 8 September 1900

“Meeting called for the purpose of Initiating Wm. Best. Lodge opened in the 1st degree. Wm. Best then brought in and initiated.
There being no further business the Lodge was closed in due form and harmony.”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 7, Emergent meeting of 22 September 1900

“....An invitation to attend the Methodist Church on Sunday October 7th was then read.  Moved by Bro. Wood, seconded by Bro. Lucas, that the Secretary write and thanks the Rev. H. Osborne for his kind invitation. Carried.............
James M. Campbell was Initiated an E.A. in due and ancient form.........”

Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 8, Regular meeting of 6 October 1900

“...Application of Bro. William Waters, late of Tucson Lodge, No. 4 Tucson, Arizona was read and on motion received. Carried. The following investigation committee were appointed: Bros. Robinson, Gidley and Whittome.....

Moved by Bro. Evans, seconded by Bro. Smith, that all Bros. raised to the 3rd degree in this Lodge be presented by the Lodge with a Master masons apron. Carried.

Moved by Bro. Gidley, seconded by Bro. Smith, that Bros. receive aprons from the Lodge at cost. Carried...”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 9, Regular meeting of 3 November 1900

“....Report of investigation committee on application of Bro. Waters for affiliation was then read and on motion the report was received, the committee discharged and Bro. Waters voted for and elected....”

“...Application of Bro. Hands for demit received and laid on the table for one month.....”

“..Bro. Price was examined as to his proficiency in this degree [F.C.] and being found proficient it was moved and carried that he be raised to the sublime degree of a M.M. Lodge was then closed and opened in the third degree when Bro. Price was raised to the sublime degree of a M.M. in due and ancient form.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, pages 10-11, Regular meeting of 1 December 1900


- 1901 -

“ ....Petition of Francis Henry Price for the Degrees was received and referred to the following committee, Bros. Samuel Robinson, J. Maitland-Dougall and James Evans......”

“...Petition of Robinson Ventress, accompanied by demit, for affiliation was received and on motion was referred to the following committee of investigation, Bros. C. Dobson, E.A. Price and L.H. Truesdale, appointed by W.M.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 14, Regular meeting of 5 January 1901

“...Bro. William Best examined as to proficiency in this degree [E.A.]. Bro. Best being found duly qualified was on motion duly passed and initiated as a fellow craft mason....”  

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 15, Emergent meeting of 19 January 1901

“....Communication from G.M. and G.S. ordering the lodge to be duly draped in mourning for thirty days in commemoration of the death of Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria.......

Report of Committee on application of A.H. Peterson resulting favourably the W.M. then ordered that the candidate be duly balloted for; and the ballot being favourable the candidate was duly declared elected. The report of the committee on the application of Frank H. Price being favourable the candidate was duly balloted for and elected.

Report of the committee of Bro. R. Ventress for affiliation being favourable the candidate was duly balloted for and elected.
Petition of Bro. Frederick Jeffrey was received and on motion a committee of investigation was appointed as follows: Bros. S.W. Samuel Robinson, S.D. James Evans, I.G. L.H. Truesdale.

The lodge opened in the first degree for the purpose of initiating Mr. A.H. Peterson who being properly prepared was duly initiated in the first degree.

Moved by P.M. Gidley, seconded by Bro. Maitland-Dougall, that a motion of condolence be entered in our minute book for the loss sustained in the death of our late good and noble Queen. Carried.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 16-17, Regular meeting of 2 February 1901

“....Bro. Andrew Peterson was then examined touching his proficiency in the Entered Apprentice degree, and being found well prepared was on motion passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Mason. The degree of Fellow Craft Mason was then conferred on Bro. Andrew H. Peterson....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 18, Emergency meeting of 16 February 1901

“...Application of P.M. Frame for demit was on motion granted.
Bills of C. Dobson for purchase of charts, Challoner & Mitchell for P.M. jewels....referred to Finance committee.....
...the degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason was then conferred on Francis H. Price.....the Lodge was then opened in the second degree for the purpose of examining Bros. William Best and Andrew H. Peterson, who were duly examined touching their proficiency in the Fellowcraft Degree and being found duly proficient, on motion were duly passed to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The lodge was then closed in the second degree and opened on the third degree when the degree of Master Mason was conferred on Bros. William Best and Andrew H. Peterson...”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 19, Regular meeting of 2 March 1901

“....Bro. Campbell was then examined touching his proficiency in the First Degree and being found so qualified was then passed to the degree of fellowcraft mason.....and the degree of a Fellowcraft Mason was then conferred upon Bro. J.M. Campbell.
There being no further business before the lodge it was then closed in due form, peace and harmony prevailing.......... “

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 21, Emergency meeting of 16 March 1901

“........Application of Frederick Jeffreys for Affiliation was reported by committee favourably and the candidate balloted for and the ballot resulting favourably he was declared a member of this lodge....

....a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons was convened for the purpose of examining Bro. J.M. Campbell touching his proficiency in the Fellowcraft Degree and he being found duly proficient was duly elected to be raised to the sublime degree of a master mason.....

....a lodge of Master Masons was then called from refreshment to labour for the purpose of conferring the degree of a Master Mason on Bro. J.M. Campbell and which degree was then conferred upon the candidate.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 22, Regular meeting of 6 April 1901

“.....a lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons opened for the purpose of examining Bro. Robert Telford touching his proficiency in this degree and he being found duly proficient was on motion passed to the more honourable degree of a Fellowcraft Mason and for that purpose a lodge of Fellowcraft Masons was duly opened and the brother duly passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft Mason....."

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 24, Regular meeting of 4 May 1901

“....It was further ordered by the W.M. that a committee of three consisting of the S.W.. Treasurer and Sec’y be appointed in the case of Bro. Hollings with instructions to investigate the number of meetings Bro. Hollings discharged the duties of Tyler of this Lodge and that he be allowed the sum of $1.50 for his services on each evening and the same be applied to his dues and he be granted a demit.

The Lodge......opened in the Fellowcraft degree for the purpose of examining Bro. Telford touching his proficiency in this degree and upon due examination in open lodge being found fully proficient he was on motion raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason........"

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 25, Regular meeting of 1 June 1901


".......Having been notified by V.W. the Grand Secretary that the Grand Master had placed Temple Lodge, No. 33 in No. 1 [District] Jurisdiction, I having notified them of intended visit , went up the line to the pleasant village of Duncans. There was some difficulty getting a good attendance on account of a counter attraction in the shape of the Rockmasters' [note: should be "Flockmasters'] Association annual supper clashing, but ultimately a faithful few were got together, and the Third Degree was conferred by W. Bro. John Frame, and I can testify with much pleasure to the able manner in which this, as well as the regular routine work was conducted. The officers all seemed to be well up to their duties. The present meeting hall is much too confined in space, but I understand that the present Worshipful Master, Bro. Harry Smith, contemplates providing more suitable quarters. I hope this may soon be an established fact, as comfortable quarters are a very necessary accessory to a Masonic Lodge whenever obtainable..........

H.L. Salmon, D.D.G.M. No.1 District., Victoria, B.C., June, 1901"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1901, page 41

“...... a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons opened for the purpose of examining Bro. Frank Price touching his proficiency in this degree. Bro. Price being duly examined was found qualified and on motion was passed to the more honorable degree of a Fellowcraft Mason which was then conferred on him.....

Petition of John Hall for the degrees in Masonry recommended by C. Dobson and C.H. Dickie. Application referred to a committee consisting of Bros. James Evans, J.M. Campbell and J. Maitland-Dougall.

Motion that the matter of procuring a new lodge room to a committee to report on the same to the lodge at next meeting. The following committee was appointed by the S.W. Bros. James Maitland-Dougall, P.M. William Gidley, C. Dobson, James Evans, R. Ventress.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, pages 28-29, Regular meeting of 3 August 1901

"Emergency Communication of Temple Lodge, Held Nov 16, 1901. Called by order of M.W. Grand Master F. McB. Young for the purpose of receiving a communication from him.

Present: Harry Smith, W.M., Samuel Robinson, S.W., C. Dobson, J.W., James Evans, S.D., E.F. Clark, Sec’y, J. Maitland-Dougall, J.S., Bro. William Gidley, P.M., Bro. R. Ventress, P.M., A.H. Peterson, M.M., J.M. Campbell, M.M., H.H. Addington, M.M.
Visitors: M.W. Bro. F. McB. Young, Grand Master, Bro. G.A. Harris, M.M.

M.W. Grand Master delivered some timely remarks relative to the duties of a Lodge, which were responded to by W.M. Harry Smith......Remarks were made by P.M. William Gidley, P.M. R. Ventress, the Secretary and S.D.

There being no further business the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form, peace and harmony prevailing......”

Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 32, Emergency meeting of 16 November 1901

“...election of officers. The ballot resulted as follows: Bro. Samuel Robinson was duly elected W.M. Bro. C. Dobson, S.W., Bro. James Evans, J.W., Bro. J.H. Whittome Treasurer, Bro. E.F. Clark, Secretary, Bro. William Waters, Tyler.

Motion made and carried that Bro. Waters receive a compensation of one dollar per night for his duties as Tyler of the Lodge for the past year. Motion carried that the secretary receive for his services for the past year the sum of twenty dollars..........

Motion carried that the offer of W.M. Smith that he provide a hall with stove and lamps and chairs for the use of the lodge and all for the sum of twenty-five dollars per annum. Committee of pedastals appointed. C Dobson, S. Robinson, James Evans......."

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 33, Regular meeting of 7 December 1901


- 1902 -

".....On January 4th [1902] I paid an official visit to Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncans. The Lodge on this occasion held its first communication in the new Temple, which has been provided largely through the instrumentality of the G.S.B., W. Bro. H. Smith. The furnishing was not complete at the time of my visit, but I have no doubt that in due time this will done and the occupation of these quarters will have a considerable effect on the progress and prosperity of Masonry at Duncans. The room formerly used was entirely unsuitable and and I consider that this, combined with the scattered membership of a country lodge such as Temple. No. 33, has reduced the average attendance of members much below what it should be. W. Bro. Robinson passed one candidate and was ably assisted in the ceremony by the S.W. and S.D. I installed two officers who were not present at the regular installation ceremony held on St. John's eve, and took the opportunity of addressing some remarks and suggestions to the Lodge. An agreeable feature of the occasion was the presence of some of the officers of United Service Lodge, No. 24, who were paying a fraternal visit to Temple Lodge. The reception and entertainment afterwards given to your representative and the visitors at the Tzouhalem Hotel was fully attended and of an extremely hospitable character.....

T.N. Woodgate, D.D.G.M., District No.1, Esquimalt, June 19th, 1902."

Source: Grand Lodge of B.C. Proceedings, 1902, page 40

"Abstract of Returns From Lodges

.........Temple Lodge, No. 33; Funds and Property: $253.50; Outstanding Dues: $0.00; Relief Granted - Members: 0; Widows and Orphans: 0; Transients: 0.........

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1902, page 62

"Tabular Statement of Work of the Subordinate Lodges from 1st January, 1902 to 31st December 1902

.......Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan's

No. on Roll, 1902: 31; Initiated: 1; Passed: 3; Raised: 3; Restored: 0; Affiliated: 1; Demitted: 1; Suspended: 0; Died:0; Rejected: 3; Entered Apprentices: 0; Fellow Craft's: 2; Master Masons on Roll: 26; Total on Roll: 28; Gain: 3

Lodge Secretary: E.F. Clark..................."

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1902, page 63

- 1903 -

On the 1st of August [1903] I visited Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan's. As I had given no notification of my intention to inspect their Lodge on that day, there was comparitively small attendance. The first degree was well conferred by W. Bro. Chris Dobson, and I was particularly struck with the serious attention to the ceremony displayed by all the Brethren. Fidgetiness and restlessness of a Lodge during the exemplification of Masonic work shows that either that work is not performed in a manner satisfactory to the Brethren, or that familiarity, as too often happens, has dulled their appreciation of our impressive ceremonies. I, afterwards, in a brief address, drew the attention of the Brethren to the fact that Masonry lays down rules of conduct which we are to observe not only towards our own Brethren, but also towards the profane. This visit, like all my visits to Duncan's, was one of unalloyed pleasure, and I take this opportunity of conveying my high appreciation of their goodness to me on the occasion of my official visits to them......

........St. John's Day falling last year [1903] on Sunday, and the By-Laws of Temple Lodge prescribing, in such an event, Saturday as the day for Installation of Officers, I proceeded to Duncan's on the 26th of December, when I had the pleasure of installing W. Bro. Dobson as W.M. This is W. Bro. Dobson's second term , and the Brethren have shown much good sense in keeping as their Master such an efficient officer. W. Bro. Corbett ably assisted me by installing the Wardens and other officers, and W. Bro. Riddell made an excellent Director of Ceremonies. To these Brethren my best thanks are due, as well as to W. Bro. Harry Smith, my predecessor in office, and to W. Bro. Ventress, Past Masters of Temple Lodge, for their assistance on that occasion. Previous to the installation I had the satisfaction of seeing the third degree most impressively conferred. An abundant feast terminated an interesting and pleasant evening..............

........Temple Lodge has an average of fourteen at each of its eighteen meetings, an average of a little less than thirty-eight per cent of its members............

Edward B. Paul, D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria, 1 June 1904

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1904, pages 25-31

"Abstract of Returns From Lodges

.........Temple Lodge, No. 33; Funds and Property: $585.64; Outstanding Dues: $82.00; Relief Granted - Members: 0; Widows and Orphans: 0; Transients: 0.........

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1904, pages 57

"Tabular Statement of Work of the Subordinate Lodges from 1st January, 1903 to 31st December 1903

.......Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan's

No. on Roll, 1903: 27; Initiated: 8; Passed: 8; Raised: 9; Restored: 0; Affiliated: 1; Demitted: 0; Suspended: 0; Died:0; Rejected: 3; Entered Apprentices: 0; Fellow Craft's: 0; Master Masons on Roll: 37; Gain: 10

Lodge Secretary: Thomas Pitt..................."

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1904, pages 59

- 1904 -

"....April 16th, 1904 - Visited Temple Lodge, No. 34 [sic] at Duncan's, and saw the third degree excellently worked. I was well received and royally entertained. This Lodge is doing well and the regular attendance is very praiseworthy........

M.W. Bro. C. Ensor Sharp, Grand Master, Esquimalt, 1 June 1904"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1904, page 20-21

"......On May the 7th [1904] I went to Duncan's for the twofold purpose of expressing my regret to temple Lodge for my inability to avail myself of the opportunity to be with them on the occasion of the visit, on April 16th, of the Grand Master and many Brethren from neighboring Lodges, and of obtaining some statistics from the Secretary, Bro. Pitts [sic], and from the Tyler, Bro. Edgar Clark. That information was cheerfully accorded to me by those Brethren, to whom I now beg to express my gratitude. There was no degree work that evening, but I was much pleased - and I know that my feelings of satisfaction were shared by the Brethren of No. 33 - to meet in the Lodge Room M.W. Bro. Fred McB. Young, and to note in his address to the Brethren, that he had lost none of the Masonic acumen combined with humour, which used to characterize his speeches as Grand Master........

Edward B. Paul, D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria, 1 June 1904"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1904, page 29



".....On Nov. 12th, 1904, I visited Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncans. On this occasion a Past Master's jewel was presented to W. Bro. C. Dobson, who was leaving for England. W. Bro. Dobson has rendered excellent service to this Lodge, having had two terms as W.M. After the Lodge was closed we were entertained by the Duncans Brethren at supper, and an enjoyable time was spent listening to speeches and songs......

P.J. Riddell, D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria, 1 June 1905"

Source: Proceedings, Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of British Columbia, 1905, Report of D.D.G.M., District No. 1, page 24


Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1916, page 58-59


"Abstract of Returns From Lodges, 1904

.........Temple Lodge, No. 33; Funds and Property: $606.19; Outstanding Dues: $159.00; Relief Granted - Members: 0; Widows and Orphans: 0; Transients: 0.........

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1905, page 47

"Tabular Statement of Work of the Subordinate Lodges from 1st January, 1904 to 31st December 1904

.......Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan's

No. on Roll, 31 Dec. 1903: 37; Initiated: 4; Passed: 4; Raised: 4; Restored: 0; Affiliated: 1; Demitted: 1; Suspended: 0; Died:0; Rejected: 0; Entered Apprentices: 0; Fellow Craft's: 0; Master Masons on Roll: 41; Increase: 4

Lodge Secretary: Robinson Ventress, P.M................."

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1905, page 48



- 1905 -

"....On January 14th, 1905, I paid an official visit to Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncans, accompanied by a number of Brethren from Victoria, and installed the officers for the ensuing year. On this occasion I was ably assisted by W. Bros. W.T. Phillips and S.W. Edwards, the latter acting as Director of Ceremonies. This Lodge is in a very healthy condition and is in the hands of an efficient set of officers. After the ceremony we were entertained in the most kindly manner by the local Brethren.....

......During the year a fraternal visit was paid by St. John's Lodge, No. 21, Ladysmith, and Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncans, to Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1. This was a most enjoyable meeting and I trust it is the first of a series of visits, as much good cannot fail to be accomplished by the Brethren meeting together in this way. The visitors brought their Glee Club and the music provided was a revelation to the Victoria Brethren. The First Degree was conferred by the V.W., the Grand Secretary [note: V.W. Brother Robert Brett] and the Third by myself.....

P.J. Riddell, D.D.G.M., District No.1, Victoria, 1 June 1905"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1905, page 24-25

[Note: the report of R.W. Bro. Riddell, above, is particularly interesting for its mention of a Glee Club composed of members St. John's Lodge, No. 21, Ladysmith, and Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan. We no longer have such a thing and have not had one within the living memory of our most senior members. Music and vocal performances seem to have disappeared from our Lodges. Many Lodges find it difficult, if not impossible, to find a member who can play the organ, let alone members who can perform as a choir.]

“....The Rt.W. Bro. P.J. Riddle [D.D.G.M.] and other visitors were received with Grand Honors......

Application from William Hooper, aged 34. Residence: Duncans; Profession: lumberman for initiation was received. The W.M. appointed Bros. Peterson, Campbell and Evans as investigating committee.

Application from J. Earnest Stillwell of Garfield Lodge No.95 O’Neil Nebraska for affiliation was received. The W.M. appointed Bros. J. Maitland-Dougall, Jas. Evans and J. Campbell as investigating committee.

Installation of Officers

Rt. W. Bro. P.J. Riddle, D.D.G.M. then opened a lodge of installed masters when Bro. A.H. Peterson was duly installed as master the Lodge of installed masters was then closed and the following officers duly installed.

Bro. D.G. Perry  S.W.    Bro. Hearn   J.W.   Bro. R. Ventress   Secy.     Bro. T. Pitt  Treasurer   Bro. J. Campbell  S.S.    Bro. G. Mellin   J.S.   Bro. J. Evans   I.G.    Bro. S. Robinson  Tyler.   Bro C. Jones for S.D. and Bro. W. Dwyer for J.D. not being present the D.D.G.M. empowered W. Bro. Harry Smith to install them.
After installation the D.D.G.M. gave the charge to officers........”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 100-101, Regular Meeting of 14 January 1905

“....Rt. W. Bro. Harry Smith then duly installed Bros. C. Jones as S.D. and W. Dwyer as J.D......

Communication from Grand Secy was received stating that Bro. J.E. Stillwell and Mr. William Hooper was free from the black list......

Investigating committee on Mr. William Hooper asked for extension of time to report.

Investigating committee on Bro. J.E. Stillwell reported favourable, on motion the committee was discharged and he was Balloted for and on examination was declared clear and Bro. J.E. Stillwell was duly elected member of the Lodge.

Application was received from Mr. Hubert Keast aged 34 profession livery stable keeper Residence Duncans. On motion was received and W.M. appointed Bros. D. Alexander, E.J. Hearn and J. Evans as investigating committee.

Application was received from Alfred Hilton Lomas aged 27 profession constable Residence Duncans. On motion it was received and the W.M. appointed Bros. Perry, Price and Jones as investigating committee.....

The Lodge was closed at 10:10 peace and harmony prevailing.....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 102-103, Regular Meeting of 11 February 1905

“The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form at 8:45....
Communication from Grand Secy stating that the M.W. Grand Master wished to visit Temple Lodge on the 22nd [of March 1905] and would like to have the first degree work done......

.....Committee on Wm. Hooper reported favourable. Committee on Hubert Keast reported favourable.  Committee on A.H. Lomas reported favourable........

Ballot was then taken on Wm Hooper and on examination was declared against the candidate. Ballot was then taken on Hubert Keast and on examination was declared favourable. Ballot was then taken on Alfred Hilton Lomas and on examination was declared favourable........

The Lodge was then opened in the E.A.P. Degree to initiate Mr. Hubert Keast and the candidate being properly prepared was initiated in the E.A.P. degree.......

Moved by R. Ventress seconded by Bro. T. Pitt that the W.M., S.W. and J.W.  be a committee to have the lot cleaned up and if necessary surveyed at once. Carried......[Note: at present we are not sure which lot this refers to. We will do more research and post whatever information we find.]

Lodge was closed in harmony at 10:45 peace and harmony prevailing.... "

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 104-105, Regular Meeting of 11 March 1905

“....The Lodge opened in due and ancient form at 8:05. The Lodge was then called from Labour and resumed Labour at 8:25 when the R.W. W.J. Bowser, Grand Master of B.C. [note: the R.W. was a mistake by the Lodge secretary. It should be Most Worshipful for a Grand Master] with Grand Honors and the Lodge was then opened in the first degree for the purpose of initiating Mr. Alfred Hilton Lomas. After the ceremony the Lodge was closed in the E.A. degree and opened in the M.M. degree when the Grand Master made a very interesting speech on masonary [sic] which was much appreciated by the Lodge. Nothing further to be done the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form peace and harmony prevailing. After which a banquet was held in the Hall....”

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 106, Emergency Meeting of 22 March 1905

“...[Account] from Bro. J.H. Whittome for conveyancing and registering lot for $8.50 was received.....

The Lodge was called from Labour to refreshment at 8:45. On resuming Labour the Lodge was opened in the E.A. degree for the purpose of examining Bros. Keast and Lomas in the E.A. degree. The candidates being examined it was moved by Bro. S.W. seconded by Bro. J.W. that the Brethren having passed such a creditable examination they be passed to the F.C. degree. Carried.

The Lodge was then closed in the E.A. degree and on resuming labour was opened in the F.C. degree and Bro. Keast being properly prepared was passed to the F.C. degree after which Bro. Lomas being properly prepared was passed to the F.C. degree.....

It was moved by Bro. Perry seconded by Bro. Jas. Evans that another article be added to our bylaws designated as Article No. XVIII. That Article No. 9 be read after the rejection of any candidate for membership either by initiation or affiliation. Carried.

The W.M. then reported that they had awarded the contract for clearing up the lot. A discussion was then entered into about the Hall. Bro. Smith was requested to give an answer at our next meeting whether we could secure the present Hall for another year or more.

Moved by Bro. W. Gidley seconded by Bro. S.W. that a committee consisting of Bros. W.M., S.W. and J.W. be a committee to see what a hall could be built for and what money can be had for. Carried.

The Lodge was closed in harmony at 11:25.... “

Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 107-108, Regular Meeting of 8 April 1905

“......[Account] from Bro. Paul was received for cleaning up the lot for $30 also for taxes on same of 85 [cents]......

The Lodge then called off at 8:30 and on resuming labour was opened in the F.C. degree for to examine Bros. Keast and Lomas in the F.C. degree. The candidates having passed a very efficient examination it was moved by Bro. S.W. seconded by Bro. J.W. that they be raised to the sublime degree of a M.M. Carried.....
The Lodge resumed labour in the M.M. degree and Bro. Keast being properly prepared was raised to the sublime degree of a M.M.

Committee on Hall reported that they had enquired about building a Hall and it would cost approx 1700 $ to build one. W. Bro. Smith reported that the Lodge could have the Hall for 1-2 or 3 years at the same rent as we have been paying.

After some discussion it was moved by Bro. Perry seconded by Bro. Evans that we accept the offer of Bro. Smith to rent the hall for another year. Carried.

Moved by Bro. Smith seconded by Bro. Jas. Maitland-Dougall that the officer in charge of refreshments supply beer for those wishing it.

Moved in amendment by Bro. Perry seconded by Bro. J. Campbell that we dispense with the use of beer at refreshments.
Amendment lost. Original motion carried......

Moved by Bro. Gidley seconded by Bro. Jas. Evans that the Lodge tender a hearty vote of thanks to Bro. Smith for his liberal offer of the use of the Lodge rooms. Carried.

The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form peace and harmony prevailing at 11:05...”  

Source:  Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 109-110, Regular Meeting of 13 May 1905


"In 1905 Temple Lodge, No.33 was deeply involved in the building of St. John's Anglican Church, Duncan. The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Thomas J. Armstrong, made an official visit to Duncan to lay the cornerstone of the church. The contractor for construction of the church building was a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33, Bro. James McLeod Campbell.

".......On the 26th of August, 1905, I convened a Special Communication of Grand Lodge at Duncan's, B.C., for the purpose of laying the corner stone of St. John's Church. A large number of Brethren from Duncan's, Victoria, and other parts of the Province, took part in the ceremony. M.W. Bro. C. Ensor Sharp delivered a most eloquent address. During the ceremony I was presented with a magnificent silver trowel which I will always treasure as a memento of one of the pleasantest duties of my Masonic experience. In the afternoon the ladies of St. John's Church entertained the Grand Lodge and other visitors at afternoon tea, and the members of Temple Lodge provided carriages and took us for a drive through the magnificent country surrounding Duncan's..........

Report of Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Thomas J. Armstrong, Grand Lodge, 21 June 1906, Victoria, B.C."

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1906, page 8

".................On August 26th, 1905, I visited Temple Lodge No. 33, Duncan's. They had no work on, but a social session was held and a very pleasant evening spent..........

Report of Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Thomas J. Armstrong, Grand Lodge, 21 June 1906, Victoria, B.C."

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1906, page 11

Past Masters' Diplomas Issued to Wor. Bro. Samuel Robinson (Worshipful Master-1902), Diploma no. 59, and Wor. Bro. Christopher Dobson (Worshipful Master-1903-04), Diploma No. 61 "

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1905, page 42


- 1906 -

8 December 1906 - Petition for Initiation from Kenneth F. Duncan.

- 1907 -


- 1908 -

- 1909 -








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