
Norman Tressidor Corfield

(1889 - 1983)

Temple Lodge, No. 33

Here is a brief biographical sketch of Brother Norman Corfield taken from Temple Lodge, No.33 records and from local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:

"....A petition for membership in this Lodge by Initiation was received from Norman Tressidor Corfield who states he was born at Cowichan on August 11th, 1889. Age 28. Occupation, Manager of Duncan Garage and that he has not presented his petition to any other Lodge. The applicant is recommended by Wor. Master H.F. Prevost and Secretary Wm. Lorne Dunn.

The usual fee of twenty dollars accompanied the petition.

Moved by W. Bro. Dwyer seconded by W. Bro. R.C. Fawcett that the petition be received and the usual committee appointed. The W. Master appointed as a committee on this petition Wor. Bros. Dwyer, T. Pitt and A.H. Peterson...."

Source: Temple Lodge, No.33 Minute Book, Regular Meeting, 12 March 1918

"..The Investigating Committee on the application of Norman Tressidor Corfield reported favorably.The Committee on the application for affiliation of James Findlay reported favorably.

It was moved by Wor. Bro. Fawcett seconded by Wor. Bro. Jas. Greig that the committee reports on the applications of N.T. Corfield and Bro. James Findlay be received, the committees discharged and the Candidates be ballotted on. The motion was carried.

The W.M. then ordered that a ballot be taken on the application for membership by initiation of Norman Tressidor Corfield. The ballot being completed it was declared fair in the South, clear in the West and bright and unspotted in the East. Thereupon the W.M. declared Norman Tressidor Corfield duly elected a member of this Lodge by initiation...."

Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, Regular Meeting, 9 April 1918

Source: Cowichan Leader, 6 March 1947

Brother Norman Tressidor Corfield was initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason and Passed to a Fellow Craft in Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1918. He was Raised to a Master Mason in 1919.

His family owned the Duncan Garage, which is still a downtown Duncan landmark as well as a City of Duncan Heritage Building. Brother Corfield's Petition for Initiation, received on 12 March 1918, states his occupation as "Manager, Duncan Garage."

His name disappears from the Temple Lodge, No. 33 membership list in 1933. It is possible that he Demitted from the Lodge. We will do more research to determine what happened to his Lodge membership status.

Norman Corfield gravestone

Gravestone of Brother Norman Corfield

Norman Corfiled grave, Saint Peter's Quamichan

The grave of Brother Norman Corfield

in St. Peter's Quamichan Anglican Cemetery.

The GPS location of the grave is:


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